Live from the IBC2024 show floor, Atomos CEO, Jeremy Young, gives us a typically bravura tour of everything that's new from the company in Amsterdam.
The industry is definitely a slightly more interesting place now that Jeromy Young, CEO and Co-Founder of Atomos, is back at the head of the company. But then, Atomos has been working hard to make the industry more interesting itself since it was founded in 2010.
We start with a demo of the impressive Sun Dragon LED strip lights, and once Young has finished twisting them into different shapes, our intrepid videographer, Bas Goosens, asks, "So, you're a lighting company now."
(Top quality shade there, Bas.)
"We make tools for production companies," says Young with a smile. "We make monitors that record, we make monitors that record and stream. And now we're connecting the lighting world to that to that world. It's all synchronized together, and you can control it from our monitors if you connect it in the right way. So we're just trying to bring easier production to everyone out there."
"So nothing new?" asks Bas, going two from two.
"Nothing new!" laughs Young. "We've got the Ninja Phone 4k. Let's go have a look...."
And, Atomos being Atomos, there's plenty more after that too.
Tags: Production Atomos IBC2024