We publish roughly a thousand articles per year. We're six years old and we've just published our six thousandth article. And they're all available online!
Just a very quick note from me, David Shapton, Editor-in-Chief of RedShark, to say that we've just passed an important milestone, which is that we've published this excellent article by Simon Wyndham, which happens to be our six thousandth article.
When you talk in those sort of numbers it must look as though these are mass produced. Nothing could be further from the reality, which is that every one is commissioned by us (unless it's a clearly marked "sponsored" article), and is written with care and expertise by our team of writers.
In case you didn't realise: every one of those pieces is still online. We have no intention of taking any of them down. So it's a growing resource: free and available to you at any time. Of course, some of them go out of date, but it's good to look at those as well, because, for example, when we started, consumer 4K was in its infancy. 4K cameras were just appearing (apart from RED's products which have supported 4K for over ten years), and 4K sets were extremely expensive. Now there's virtually nothing but 4K TVs in upmarket TV stores.
want to find a story? Need to research a specific subject, or maybe find a particular article? You can try searching on the site. It works, kind-of, but we get much better results Googling like this:
"Redshark 8K", or "Redshark Canon EOS C700FF"
This works better than our own search system, and as long as you put "RedShark in the search, it will come straight to RedShark.
So please do enjoy our articles. Either find exactly the one you want, or go to the menu bar at the top of RedShark and brows though "Popular" articles.
Either way: thanks for reading and supporting RedShark. And let's start looking forward to next year, which is poised to be an exciting one!
Tags: Business