The greatest video game trailer ever
It may sound like hyperbole, but after viewing the recent teaser trailer for Cyberpunk 2077, we challenge you to name a better one.
Here at RedShark, we like what we like and we’re not shy about letting you know about it. Sure, we may be a bit generous with our accolades when featuring a new short, but it’s usually with good reason. And we’d never actively promote a short we didn’t enjoy watching.
However, this marks the first time we’ve covered a video game trailer. It’s not that we have an aversion to video games, far from it. But, while sci-fi shorts and trailers are usually representative of what can be expected of a longer work, a video game trailer, replete with gorgeous cinema-style sequences, may not be representative at all of a title’s basic game play.
Fantastic - wonderfullly imagined
The teaser trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 is no exception. It may actually be a perfect example of the disconnect between marketing and reality, as the game is an RPG. For the uninitiated, these role playing games often utilize multiple menus and displays boxes, and feature gameplay visuals that are anything but ‘cinematic’.
On the other hand, this trailer is...fantastic: wonderfully imagined and rendered, expertly paced, and showcasing facial detail that comes dangerously close to photorealism. It’s a truly amazing two-and-a-half minutes, and we challenge you, the RedShark reader, to name a better, more realized, more captivating video game trailer. Let us know in the comments. Otherwise, we’ll stand by our claim.
Tags: Post & VFX