You may be wondering whether the Web needs another audio publication. We did too. And we found that while there are some very good sites out there — excellent, in fact — most, if not all of them are somewhat niche. There’s really nothing there that covers everything audio. RedShark Sound will.
That’s where RedShark Sound is different. We cover many niches. So many, in fact, that we will present a joined-up spectrum of news, views and know-how across the entire audio vista.
That’s why you’ll find everything including sound design, live audio, studio audio, computer audio, audio for video, high end audio reproduction, music software, the latest synths and sound modules, and even classic synths. And then you’ll see audio related stuff we’ve found that can’t be put into any category. Stuff that the other sites might have missed because they’re so specialised.
Essentially (and we’ll put modesty aside for an instant here) we want to become the “home page for audio”: a place that you can bookmark and come to every day. If you’re interested in any of these topics, you’ll feel at home at RedShark Sound. But, more than that, we want to cater for people, well, like me, actually, who are audio professionals but love every aspect of good audio. You don’t have to be a gigging musician to be fascinated by the latest synth. You don’t have to be a yacht-owning oligarch to be intrigued by some of the more esoteric Hi Fi that is marketed without a price tag.
And if you don’t know much about audio at all, but feel you should, there’ll be stuff for you too. We were all in that position once, and it never does any harm to go over the basics occasionally.
Our headquarters are near London, but we spend a lot of time in the US and have staff there too: we expect there to be approximately equal number of readers in the US and Europe, with a large number coming from the rest of the world as well. All of our material will reflect this.
As I write this, I’m on the plane to LA for the NAMM show. It’s probably the biggest trade show for the music and recording industries. We thought it would be a good place to launch RedShark Sound. Next week, by way of contrast, I’m in London at a show about the latest in headphones!
Thanks again for coming! Please bookmark RedShark Sound and keep coming back. There will be new articles every day. Please excuse us if there are a few gaps on the site in the first few days - these will fill up very quickly and before long there will be a very rich archive of material for you to search through (on this site alone now have well over 3,000 articles online - forever!).
Please share us extravagantly, tell all your friends, and let us know what you think (you can write to me at editor@redsharksound.com). And if you fancy writing for us, we’d love to hear from you. We already have a great team on board but as we increase the number of articles we publish per day, we need more contributors.
Here we go, then...
Tags: Audio